Judy Mellor BA (Hons) Dip.Clin.Psych. C.Psychol. AFBPsS
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant
Problems Seen
Relationship difficulties- at home and at work
Sexual difficulties- psychosexual problems, anxiety, avoidance
Post traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.)
Trauma reactions from early life and more recent events
Adjustment difficulties (e.g. to life changes, loss, physical problems)
Stress-related problems.
Phobias and avoidance
Stress-related physical problems, e.g. pain, IBS, muscle tension.
Emotional regulation problems, e.g. anger, impulsivity
Pain management
Referrals Not Seen
Clinical Neuropsychology, e.g. assessment of brain damage
Assessment of educational needs
Diagnostic assessments, e.g. dyslexia or autistic spectrum disorders
Forensic psychology e.g. assessment of offenders.
Medico-Legal assessments and reports.
People who are currently being seen within the NHS mental health services.
Children under the age of sixteen.
People who are undergoing other psychological therapy.